Hi there and welcome to this blog about video games, game design, level design and well game development.
It will be a sort of devblog of things i do or at least try to do, mostly in UE4.
There will also be some Game and level design theory.
But first a quick introduction.
My name is Florent Assié, and i’m a french junior game designer,
I’ve studied in India in the Dsk Supinfogame school, where i learned game design and level design.
Previous to that, I went to an animation school where i learned about 3D modeling and Animation.
You can see my whole resume « here » or my portfolio « Here »
Over the time I’ve developed multiple interest such as, among others, world creation, web-comics, absurd humor in literature (such as Douglas Adams or sir Terry Pratchett) and of course video games.
I’m really looking forward to be part of the family of video game developers.
So here’s that for a first post.
Expect to see more (and hopefully more interesting :D) in the future.
PixelArt – Running Lab Guy
/1 Commentaire/dans PixelArt /par SadrophisSome test in the animation of a pixel art.
The style is heavily inspired by « Enter The Gungeon » available on Steam.
Edit :
And a small turnaround of the character
PixelArt – Armored Guy
/dans PixelArt /par SadrophisThis one is inspired by Gareth Davies (@Spudonkey on twitter).
The guy do a pretty amazing work, check it out.
PixelArt – BlueSweater guy and a demon
/dans PixelArt /par SadrophisNo particular inspiration for those one, it was just to try different poses
PixelArt – The Animal brothers
/dans PixelArt /par SadrophisDucks, Rabbits, masks, a bit of Hotline Miami inspiration. All in good fun.
Hello world
/1 Commentaire/dans NoClass /par SadrophisHi there and welcome to this blog about video games, game design, level design and well game development.
It will be a sort of devblog of things i do or at least try to do, mostly in UE4.
There will also be some Game and level design theory.
But first a quick introduction.
My name is Florent Assié, and i’m a french junior game designer,
I’ve studied in India in the Dsk Supinfogame school, where i learned game design and level design.
Previous to that, I went to an animation school where i learned about 3D modeling and Animation.
You can see my whole resume « here » or my portfolio « Here »
Over the time I’ve developed multiple interest such as, among others, world creation, web-comics, absurd humor in literature (such as Douglas Adams or sir Terry Pratchett) and of course video games.
I’m really looking forward to be part of the family of video game developers.
So here’s that for a first post.
Expect to see more (and hopefully more interesting :D) in the future.